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Road Rage and the Shiftworker With the nature of shiftwork and especially it's effects on our moods, one must be very aware of the danger of road rage. More and more drivers have started acting out their anger when they get behind the wheel. After theyve been cut off, tailgated, or slowed down by a vehicle in front of them, these angry drivers can commit incredible acts of violence - including assault and murder. When the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety studied more than 10,000 incidents of violent aggressive driving committed between 1990 and 1996, it found that at least 218 people were killed and another 12,610 injured when drivers got angry. Although many drivers involved in these incidents are men between the ages of 18 and 26, anyone can become aggressive if they let their anger take precedence over safe driving. The AAA Foundation study found that men, women, and people of all ages can drive aggressively if they are in the wrong mood or circumstances. Whats more, when drivers explained why they became violent the reasons are often incredibly trivial: She wouldnt let me pass, They kept tailgating me, or, as this one driver accused of murder explained, He practically ran me off the road - what was I supposed to do? How can you avoid being the victim of an aggressive driver? While there are no sure techniques, three basic guiding principles can help:
1. Don't offend When surveys ask drivers what angers them most, the results are remarkably consistent. A few specific behaviors seem unusually likely to enrage other drivers. You can protect yourself by avoiding them :
Cutting off. When you merge, make sure you have plenty of room. Use your turn signal to show your intentions before making a move. If you make a mistake and accidentally cut someone off, try to apologize to the other driver with an appropriate gesture. If someone cuts you off, slow down and give them room to merge into your lane.
Driving slowly in the left lane. If you are in the left lane and someone wants to pass, move over and let them by. You may be in the right because you are traveling at the speed limit - but you may also be putting yourself in danger by making drivers behind you angry. In many states and provinces the law requires you to travel in the right lane and use the far left lane only for passing. Besides, its simple courtesy to move over and let other drivers by.
2. Dont engage
One angry driver cant start a fight unless another driver is willing to join in. You can protect yourself against aggressive drivers by refusing to become angry at them. Orator Robert Ingersoll said, Anger blows out the lamp of the mind. A person who is angry can do things they may later regret and that includes you. If youre tempted to retaliate against another driver, think: Would I want to fly in an airplane whose pilot was acting like this? Think about what kind of a crash your angry actions could cause. Then cool down and continue your trip.
Steer clear. Give angry drivers lots of room. A driver you may have offended can snap and become truly dangerous. If the other driver tries to pick a fight, put as much distance as possible between your vehicle and the other car, and then get away as quickly as possible. Do not under any circumstances pull off to the side of the road and try to settle things man to man.
Avoid eye contact. If another driver is acting angry with you, dont make eye contact. Looking or staring at another driver can turn an impersonal encounter between two vehicles into a personal duel.
Tailgating. Drivers get angry when they are followed too closely. Allow at least a two-second space between your car and the car ahead. (When you see the car pass a fixed point, you should be able to count at least one-thousand, two-thousand before you pass that point.) If you think another car is driving too slowly and you are unable to pass, pull back and allow more space, not less. That way if the car does something unexpected you will have time to get out of the way. You should be able to see the headlights of the car behind you in your rear-view mirror. If you feel you are being followed too closely, signal and pull over to allow the other driver to go by.
Gestures. Almost nothing makes another driver angrier than an obscene gesture. Keep your hands on the wheel. Avoid making any gestures that might anger another driver, even harmless expressions of irritation like shaking your head. Be a cautious and courteous driver. Signal every time you merge or change lanes, and whenever you turn. Use your horn rarely, if ever. If you and another driver see a parking space at the same time, let that person have it. And if another driver seems eager to get in front of you, say Be my guest. When you respond this way, after a while be my guest becomes your automatic response and you wont be as offended by other drivers rudeness. Once things get personal, the situation can get out of hand fast.
Get help. If you believe the other driver is following you or is trying to start a fight, get help. If you have a cellular phone, use it to call the police. Otherwise, drive to a place where there are people around, such as a police station, convenience store, shopping center, or even a hospital. Use your horn to get someones attention. This will usually discourage an aggressor. Do not get out of your car. Do not go home.
3. Adjust your attitude
The most important actions you can take to avoid aggressive driving take place inside your head. By changing your approach to driving, you can make every trip more pleasant. Try these ideas for a pleasant change:
Forget winning. For too many motorists, driving becomes a contest. Are you one of those drivers who allows the shortest possible time for a trip and then races the clock? If something happens to slow you down do you get angry? The solution: Allow more time for your trip. Youll be amazed at how much more relaxed you feel when you have a few extra minutes. So instead of trying to make good time, try to make time good. Listen to soothing music or a book on tape. Practice relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing. Youll arrive much calmer, fresher, and in a less stressed-out frame of mind.
Put yourself in the other drivers shoes. Instead of judging the other driver, try to imagine why he or she is driving that way. Someone speeding and constantly changing lanes may be a volunteer fireman, or a physician rushing to a hospital. Someone who jerks from one lane to another may have a bee in the car, or a crying baby. Whatever their reason, it has nothing to do with you. Stay cool and dont take other drivers actions personally.
If you think you have a problem, ask for help. Courses in anger management have been shown to reduce heart attacks. These same techniques can also help angry drivers. Drivers who successfully reinvent their approach to the road report dramatic changes in attitude and behavior. Look for anger management courses in your area. Self-help books on stress reduction and anger management can also be helpful. Violent aggressive driving is clearly on the rise. But you can avoid becoming a victim by using the tips provided. In the process you may find that driving has become a completely new and more enjoyable experience. adapted from AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety (Road Rage Brochure) Attitude - It's all how you look at it A little boy was overheard talking to himself as he strutted through the backyard, wearing his baseball cap and carrying a bat and ball. "I'm the greatest hitter in the world," he announced. Then he tossed the ball into the air, swung at it, and missed. "Strike One!" he yelled. Bravely, he picked up the ball and said again, "I'm the greatest hitter in the world!" He tossed the ball into the air. When it came down he swung again and missed. "Strike Two!" he cried. The boy then paused a moment to examine his bat and ball carefully. He spit on his hands and rubbed them together. He straightened his cap and declared once more, "I'm the greatest hitter in the world!" Again he tossed the ball up in the air and swung at it. He missed. "Strike Three! Wow!" he exclaimed. "I'm the greatest PITCHER in the world!" It's all in the way we look at things. Attitude really IS our most priceless possession.
This is "Nice" Rice Pudding Here is another easy to make Low-Fat recipe. What you need: 1 cup Rice 6 cups Milk 3/4 cup Sugar 1 tablespoon Vanilla 1 pot
Preparation Method Place Rice, Milk and Sugar in pot. Heat it up until almost boiling, stirring. Lower heat, cover, and simmer for 1 hour, stirring occasionally. Add vanilla. Variations: Add a mashed banana or two. This will give it sweetness so you can reduce the sugar.
Thats it for this issue. Bye for now!!! If you have any comments or questions, Please E-MAIL me at ![]() |